Anime Characters
Check out characters ranked from HA’s writers for any and every criteria!
The summer anime season is upon us, but we can't forget the remarkable guys we fell for during the spring of 2023. From the regal to the average, there wa...
ReadmoreThe word overpowered is certainly losing its special meaning as more and more anime present us with an increasing number of OP characters. That being said...
ReadmoreAnother round of anime, which also means another war begins. With so many new anime releasing this winter 2023 season, many cute anime girls entered the p...
ReadmoreFrom the mecha anime craze in the late 80s and early 90s to the recent Isekai boom, the world of anime has always been subject to ever-changing trends. Th...
ReadmoreLet’s begin by saying we absolutely love and adore Trigun Stampede by Studio Orange as we’ve shown a few times here at Honey’s Anime. We’ve already made a...
ReadmoreAnger is a tricky emotion that drives people to act in very unpredictable ways. In anime, this is especially true for certain characters who are known for...
ReadmoreAnime is no stranger to epic battles that keep us on the edge of our seats, and with fan favourites like Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen continuing to rei...
ReadmoreAnime fans had a lot to look forward to in 2022, as the year promised (and in some cases, delivered) to bring many exciting titles to the screen. And whil...
ReadmoreImmortality is one of the most used character archetypes in anime. Almost every action/fantasy-oriented anime has immortal characters, such as Ban from Se...
ReadmoreWe've all seen it in both anime and real life. There is always that one person who will help and support their friends. Whether that person is their rival...
ReadmoreAnime swords have captured the hearts of many fans for their unique designs and powerful imagery. They are often the symbol of a character's strength and ...
ReadmoreThe majority of anime protagonists begin their respective series underpowered but hiding intense latent abilities, usually falling into the moniker of a o...
ReadmorePower is seen differently across different anime universes. The power system ranges from Chakra to Nen and in the case of the Bleach anime/manga, reiatsu....
ReadmoreThere are always two things to look forward to at the end of every year: the new year that is approaching and Christmas! A time that is cozy, warm, and all ...
ReadmoreIt’s that wonderful time of year again, and who better to spend it with than imaginary 2D women?! All jokes aside, Christmas is the time of year to spend wi...
ReadmoreJust like in the real world, stories that revolve around foods and the incredible chefs that made them have been quite popular in recent years. Whether yo...
ReadmoreA gifted swordsman will always be an archetype in anime. That’s how it’s always been, and that’s how it always will be. Sometimes, the only difference bet...
ReadmoreBankai is the second and final upgraded form of a Zanpakutō, the weapons that Shinigamis wield in the Bleach Universe. And to achieve a Bankai, one must b...
ReadmoreIt takes more than just a name to be a general in Kingdom, the anime. They are in charge of commanding thousands of soldiers to fight the bloodiest wars, ...
ReadmoreIn September we received Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Netflix and Studio TRIGGER’s adaptation of the action role-playing video game, and it’s possibly one of t...
ReadmoreFrom a Samurai who wields a legendary katana to a knight who holds a heavy broad sword, there are so many kinds of swordsmen that you can find in anime. A...
ReadmoreIf we’re talking about weapons in anime, then the swords have to be the most popular ones, especially katanas. However, the second most commonly used weap...
ReadmoreSpooky delights and late-night frights, it’s that time of the year again! With less than a month to go for Halloween 2021, it’s time to get cracking on your...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Crunchyroll has come up with a really nice anime roundup for Hispanic Heritage Month and we wanted to share the selections they've chose...
ReadmoreThis winter season has brought us tons of Action, Romance, Comedy and more. But not just that, Latino anime fans have seen themselves represented in three different anime! Quetzalcoatl f...