Similar Anime
Here you can find recommendations for anime that are similar to others! One show got you hooked? Check out six more just like it!
Fall 2020’s underdog hit Talentless Nana is a dark deconstruction of the superhero/magical school genre, particularly lasering i...
ReadmoreI'm standing on a million lives. started dropping episodes in the Fall of 2020, and now that we're rounding the end of the year...
ReadmoreTONIKAWA, while not being the most imaginative of its comedy/romance genre, delivered exactly what it promised; lots of laughs a...
ReadmoreWhen you put together a school life harem with some romance, heaps of comedy, a love f...
ReadmoreIsekai anime are still going strong, as Fall 2020’s By the Grace of the Gods proves. It’s a relaxing story about an overworked s...
ReadmoreJujutsu Kaisen is Shounen Jump and Crunchyroll’s newest darling – a hugely popular manga that got a highly publicized anime rele...
ReadmoreIn the real world, our society has always made sure to put a stigma on criminals for u...
ReadmoreHave you been longing for a mystery anime that tests your sleuthing skills and makes y...
ReadmoreMahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha) is a magical girl anime that deviates significantly from its contempor...
ReadmoreIt’s the spooky season. Halloween is coming up and the days are getting shorter, as we’re gearing up for a new anime season. Wha...
ReadmoreEveryone’s loving Fugou Keiji, a great anime where guys can relate to either a rich, handsome, powerful main character or the tr...
ReadmoreIt’s great to have Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater back along with the same quality —the visuals are still beautifully drawn...
ReadmorePeople often say not to mix love and work but for Kanojo, Okarishimasu, that IS the work! Professional girlfriend Chizuru and cl...
ReadmoreIn anime, MCs who are reincarnated tend to come in numerous shapes and forms. We’ve seen humans turn into slimes, businessmen tu...
ReadmoreMonster Musume took the world by surprise years back when the manga hit The New York Times’ best-seller list. It seemed inevita...
ReadmorePeter Grill and the Philosopher's Time is a very rare specimen of harem anime where the guy actually has sex with the girls over...
ReadmoreThis summer season, we have the newest anime adaptation of a Korean webcomic; The God of High School! It’s an over-the-top shoun...
ReadmoreGibiate is a 2020 action sci-fi anime series with an interesting time-travel twist! The story follows two samurai exiled from th...
ReadmoreIn Netflix’s Great Pretender, its cast (most especially through Laurent and Edamura) does an excellent job of embodying wrestlin...
ReadmoreExploding onto the Summer 2020 season with its unique blend of action and sci-fi that takes the well-worn concept of “the game i...
ReadmoreMuhyo to Rouji no Mahouritsu Soudan Jimusho (hereafter Muhyo to Roji) is a lighthearted show about the adventures of Tooru Muhyo...
ReadmoreP.A. Works’ original racing anime Appare-Ranman! has awoken from its long coronavirus-induced hibernation and we can’t wait to s...
ReadmoreIt’s a new season full of new possibilities, including this show about an over-the-top team of ecchi superheroes, or HxEros to b...
ReadmoreIdol anime series aren’t appealing to all anime viewers out there but that doesn’t stop them from having a cult following. There...
ReadmoreNihon Chinbotsu 2020 serves as a modern adaptation of the original 1973 novel by the late Sakyo Komatsu, who is still regarded a...