When Fondling Reaches a Climax Episodes : 12 Genre : Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, School, Sci-Fi Airing Date : July. 2016 – S...
ReadmoreEveryone Is Not Special Episodes : 12 Genre : Action, Comedy, Slice of Life, Supernatural Airing Date : July 2016 – September 2016 Studios : Bo...
ReadmoreHistorical anime can be very enjoyable, above all when the historical facts are very accurate and the historical characters are well-depicted. Some histor...
ReadmoreRevisiting one of the surprises of 2015, action ecchi series Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry amazed many of us by not only choosing the...
ReadmoreThe time has come again for the Fall season of anime. What comes to mind when you think of the word ‘Fall season’? Perhaps you’ll reminisce about the past year, as you walk out the doo...
ReadmoreWhether we realize it or not, several anime series have opened a door to a realm of infinite technological possibilities. Coming in all shape and sizes, t...
ReadmoreIn this everlasting late-90s hit inspired by Nightow Yasuhiro’s manga, Trigun tells the unique story of the mysterious Vash the Stampede (accompanied by...
ReadmoreRomance transcends time and genders as many people have grown to love romance in a plethora of different mediums. However, there is nothing like a sad ro...
ReadmoreWhen you’re the prince of one of the strongest nations in the world, there shouldn’t be too much for you to worry about. Unfortu...
ReadmoreThank the lord! He has heard our prayers and is giving us a fantastic fall lineup boasting over seventy plus anime titles to choose from. After a rather...
ReadmoreHello, everyone! How is it going? Caught a lot of Pokemon in Pokemon Go? Have you watched the Pokemon anime lately? Yes, we know it, these last weeks even the non otakus are talking ...
ReadmoreThe vast world of Mobile Suit Gundam not only has produced many animated series (along with movies and OVAs), awesome models, high-quality soundtracks w...
Readmore...There's nothing I can do, but I struggle in vain I have no Strength, but I want it all. I have no Knowledge, but all I do is dream. There's nothing I can do, but I struggl...
ReadmoreForeign languages have been used in anime songs since around the eighties, just to add a little bit of flavor to the lyrics, but back in the 2000’s, there...
ReadmoreMy abusive language is... My abusive language is alchemized through 40 kg copper, 25 kg of zinc, 15 kg of nickel, 5 kg of ice that keeps my cool, and 97 kg of spite. ...
ReadmoreThis is an updated version of an original article here at Honey’s Anime. When you are done reading this update, be sure to read ...
ReadmoreThe beautiful thing about manga is that there’s just so much to choose from, that you’re never truly satisfied. While that may sound somewhat jading, having variety can sometimes be be...
ReadmoreManga is a genre that has so much variety that at times, for even the most experienced, the task of finding the right choice that suits you can be challenging. With new manga coming ou...
ReadmoreWith the 21st century having been in full swing for nearly two decades, quite a lot has changed in various perspectives of human culture, but of course, w...
ReadmoreThere’s something special about boxing when you tune in that truly captivates the mind. Whether it’s a wild bout or a boxer showing off their finesse, boxing always has something to tr...
ReadmoreRainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin is one of those anime that feels like a punch to the stomach. It portrays the reality of Jap...
ReadmoreBakemonogatari is the story of Koyomi Araragi, who is experienced in dealing with the paranormal. After surviving a vampire atta...
ReadmoreIt’s not too often that we get to spend some time with yuri manga, so why not start now as fall is upon us and it’s time to start fresh. For those who are...
ReadmoreThere are many animes in the universe of supernatural slice-of-life genre, but Natsume Yūjinchō is definitively one of the most ...
ReadmoreHopefully, everyone enjoyed this Summer's ecchi and harem series, we certainly had a riveting time with Rewrite, and Masou Gakuen HxH was just...was just great y'know. But moving swift...
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