My Two-Faced Little Sister Episodes : 12 Genre : Slice of Life, Comedy, School Airing Date : July 2015 - September 2015 Producers : Doga Konbo, Senta...
ReadmoreEpisodes : 12 Genre : Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Seinen Airing Date : Jul 8, 2015 to Sep 23, 2015 Producers : Sentai Fil...
ReadmoreEpisodes : 12 Genre : Mystery, Fantasy, Action, Magic, Adventure Airing Date : Jul 2015 – Sep 2015 Producers : Pass...
ReadmoreWe Love Dirty Jokes Episodes : 12 Genre : ecchi, comedy, school Airing Date : July 2015 - September 2015 Producers : J.C. Staff, Genco, Starchild Rec...
ReadmoreThe Anthem of the Heart -Beautiful Word, Beautiful World- Episodes : Movie Genre : Drama Airing Date : September 19, 2015 Producers : A-1 Pictures, A...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: The official website for the new Macross series' anime revealed its final title, Macross Δ, with the new logo. (See above) You can also discover the first key ...
ReadmoreBoys will always be boys. When talking about anime that explore the harem genre, one thing remains true – it will always be a funny and interesting genre to...
ReadmoreThe detective genre is something that will always have a niche with viewers and readers alike. In the olden days, tales of mystery and the brilliant minds t...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Starting today, the JR Tokyo's Yamanote line will have posters from, Love Live! School Idol Project, on its trains promoting the release of the Blu-ray and DVD, μ...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: The official website for the upcoming Fall 2015 anime, Lovely Muuuuuuuco!, released a new PV yesterday. (See below) They also revealed that the song, BASYAUMA R...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Yesterday, the last episode of Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou (also known as Everyday Life with Monster Girls) aired. If you are a fan of this show, you might be ...
ReadmoreIf magic, demons, ridiculous harem fantasies, and adequate fan service are all essential ingredients in your favorite cup of...
ReadmoreIf you grew up with Halloween as a kid, you know very well that dressing up is half the fun of the holiday (of course the free candy is the other half!). But most years, truly awe...
ReadmoreWhat Lies Beyond the Gate? Episodes : 12 Genre : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Military Preview (no spoilers) Airing Date : A-1 Pictures, Genco, Sentai Film...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: The staff for the upcoming Fall anime, Young Black Jack, revealed several extra cast members and their characters via Twitter. Those characters will only make s...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: The last issue of the Weekly Shonen Sunday announced that the popular (in Japan) manga, Dagashi Kashi, will get its anime adaptation! A first visual teaser has ...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: The official website for the upcoming Fall 2015 anime, Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen (also known as Seraph of the End: Battle in Nagoya), revealed a new PV y...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: The official website for the upcoming 6-part anime movie, Digimon Adventure tri., released a new trailer and a new PV for the first part titled, Saikai (Reunion)....
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: The official website for the 3 Project Itoh anime movies, released the final promotional video for the first of them, The Empire of Corpses. The web-only video ...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: The official website for the upcoming anime, Schwarzesmarken, revealed its debut date, staff, cast and a new visual (see above). You can discover the synopsis, ...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: While the anime ended last June, the official website for Kuroko no Basket, announced yesterday that an anime movie is currently under production! Whether this ...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: The official website for the upcoming game, Steins;Gate 0, released the games's opening movie and a new visual (see above). The video introduces the main charac...
ReadmoreQuintessential to the shoujo genre, the tale of a confused girl in love is more often than not a cookie-cutter storyline. With Momo’s love oscillating betwe...
ReadmoreIf you have read my previous article "What is a Lolita" then you have an idea of what a lolita is in anime. In summary, lolita characters can be those who dress in lolita fa...
ReadmoreWho hasn’t dreamed or fantasized about what it would be like to be immortal, be it a god or any other high being. An interes...
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