Kanojo mo Kanojo Genre: Slice of Life, Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen Airing Date: July 2, 2021 Studios: Tezuka Produ...
ReadmoreWhile anime and kaiju (giant monster) movies both originate from the same country, it isn’t often that they cross over with each other. But Godzilla Singu...
ReadmoreNIGHT HEAD 2041 Genre: Sci-Fi, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural, Drama Airing Date: July 14, 2021 Studios: Shirogum...
ReadmoreLove Death + Robots (LD+R) was an unexpected hit when it first dropped on Netflix in spring 2019. ...
ReadmoreScarlet Nexus Genre: Action, Fantasy Airing Date: Summer 2021 Studios: SUNRISE Promotional Videos / PV...
ReadmoreSpring 2021 has been amazing for the otaku community as a whole as there have been several truly amazing anime airing! If you want some wickedly good ac...
ReadmoreHigurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu Genre: Mystery, Horror, Psychological, Supernatural, Thriller Airing Date: July 1, 2021 Stud...
ReadmoreBoku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia) is a shounen title that has been greatly anticipated each year since its debut in Spring 2016, and garnered much ...
ReadmoreLove comes in different forms. You don’t always get to choose how or when it knocks on your door. It could be in a train station or on the streets. If you...
ReadmoreFate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 1 - Wandering; Agateram (Fate/Grand Order THE MOVIE -Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot-) has just ...
ReadmoreSpring 2021 is already getting over and it feels like it was only a few days ago when it started. As we’re getting ready for Summer 2021, it’s time to tak...
ReadmoreRomance anime like the final season of Fruits Basket is all fine and good but we otaku occasionally need that action fix. The spring 2021 anime season has...
ReadmoreWe’re nearing the end of the Spring 2021 anime season, but before we move on to whatever awaits us in summer, let’s take a look back at the best new waifu...
ReadmoreD_Cide Traumerei Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Magic, Fantasy Airing Date: Summer 2021 Studios: SANZIGEN ...
ReadmoreMahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Genre: Sci-Fi, Magic, Fantasy Airing Date: July 3, 2021 Other Seasons: Mahouka Koukou...
ReadmoreWhen you think of a strong character you probably think about people with special abilities and OP skills, right? Well, not all strong characters ne...
ReadmoreShadows House is one of the most unique supernatural and mystery anime of the last few years, with a European-like setting and a...
ReadmoreNanatsu no Taizai Movie 2: Hikari ni Norowareshi Mono-tachi Genre: Action, Adventure, Supernatural, Magic, Fantasy, Shounen Airing Date: July 2, ...
ReadmoreSo far, Blue Reflection Ray has done a great job of showing us what appears to be a completely predictable story with seemingly loose ends. By episode 9, ...
Readmorehttps://gifmagazine.net/post_images/4961657 One thing that almost every My Hero Academia fan wanted from the previous seasons was the inclusion of cer...
Readmore2021 has been a good year for anime, but it's not done yet! In addition to the new titles that have become favorites this year, we also have returning cha...
ReadmoreRe-Main Genre: Sports, School Airing Date: July 3, 2021 Studios: MAPPA Promotional Videos / PV ...
ReadmoreSpring 2021 has been rather interesting, particularly in the emphasis on romance and slice of life. Titles like Hige wo Soru, Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou...
ReadmoreSAKUGAN Genre: Sci-Fi, Mecha/Robot Airing Date: October 7, 2021 Studios: Satelight Promotional Videos...
ReadmoreThe Spring 2021 season has been rather downtempo in comparison to its predecessor, and we can chalk that up to the saturation of romance and slice of life...