Drama Anime
It is well known that there’s a lot of anime about music which is a big plus to a lot of fans who are looking not only for a good story, but also for something good for their ears. B...
ReadmoreAngels have always been a theme in anime that, while not extremely common, has still had regular appearances every year. These angels range from schoolgir...
ReadmoreFans of Reverse Harem anime should already be familiar with today’s handsome samurai. Everyone else can get ready for a journey back in times to Edo Jap...
ReadmoreShigatsu was one of the top hits of 2015 and rightly so. It combined the musical elements with its visuals perfectly, capturing the raw emotion of each ...
ReadmoreNote: this is an update to an already existing list on Honey’s Anime. To read the original list, scroll down to the bottom of th...
ReadmoreDo you like mecha? Do you like school comedies? How about mysterious alien invasions taking over the world? Oh, and did I mentio...
ReadmoreAnime is another form of escapism. We all love the giant robots, the super powered fighters and the crazy fantasy stories. However, one thing that otaku pride themselves on tha...
ReadmoreI have to confess that I’m from the old school anime generation. My first exposure to anime was when I was a child. One day, I turned on the TV and there ...
ReadmoreLife is our punishment in this world of asynchrony. The struggle of the everyday life is what eats you away from the inside out, forcing you to juggle h...
ReadmoreOftentimes, we have our own distinctive masks to wear depending on the moment we currently face. Usually, we have one we show to other people and the ot...
ReadmoreLiving in a world far from the norm has been the dream of many human beings for years, with many great movies such as Back to th...
Readmore“Lay your hands on me.” Spring 2016 brought us a lot of great characters, and of all the character-driven anime, Kiznaiver excelled in having unique and eccentric mainliners. Seve...
ReadmoreSo what happens when your family is slain right in front of you, and you're forced into hiding? You'd do exactly what Avilio did...
ReadmoreNo matter what you prefer: action or comedy, slow or fast stories, old or new shows, there is one fact that we can all agree on: good artwork can turn a g...
ReadmoreAngels are defined as celestial, spiritual beings holding great power and influence. Through various interpretations, angels were created as messengers ...
ReadmoreIt´s time to go to the old American way of life! The decade is 1930, and we are in the middle of a period known as the Prohibiti...
ReadmoreIt is tricky to make good live adaptations of manga and anime due to the limitations of what real humans can do. Therefore, there are a slew of not-so-great live adaptations even thoug...
ReadmoreWe’ve said it before and we’re saying it again, one of anime’s greatest appeals is just how distinctively creative with how it expresses itself. Anyone can ...
ReadmoreThere are times when we watch too much of one kind of anime, it gets a little boring and we find ourselves wanting a change in the genre of anime to spice up our viewing experience. P...
ReadmoreThe Winter season 2016 is already a thing of the past, but there are some anime that we feel deserve a couple more minutes in the spotlight. One of them...
ReadmoreMisaki and Usagi Make You Lose Your Marbles Sometimes Junjou Romantica is an amazing shounen-ai oriented anime. Its popularity is all up to ...
ReadmoreWith the summer season just around the corner, it’s now time to present you what’s coming next in the world of anime. In this particular section we’ll be ...
ReadmoreGuilty Crown is an action packed anime set in a somewhat dystopian future. Where the hopes of humanity seem bleak due to the Apocalypse Virus, it is up ...
ReadmoreSugar Sugar Rune is your stereotypical magical shoujo anime, so it has the basics. Large-eyed female characters who have magical...
ReadmoreToradora! is a romance comedy anime that is filled with many different and unique characters. The anime is extremely cheery and most of the characters h...