Planet of the Friends Episodes : 12 Genre : Adventure, Comedy Airing Date : January 2017 - March 2017 Studios : Yaoyorozu Contains Spoile...
ReadmoreDefinition As level 2000 Otakus, I’m sure that by now most of our readers know that Sekai simply means world in Japanese. The “I” in Isekai is simply a...
ReadmoreWarning: the contents of this article are not suitable for all ages. If you are a minor, or if you are sensitive towards the inaccurate characterizat...
ReadmoreBased on the light novel series by Taro Hitsuji, the magic world of Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records (or Akashic Re...
ReadmoreSeikaisuru Kado comes to us this season as a philosophical anime of grand proportion. It follows the negotiations that occur bet...
ReadmoreWarning: This article has spoilers. If you don’t want to ruin the fun, please watch Tales of Zestiria and come back again. You can always read another o...
ReadmoreThe prevalent Slice of Life genre can often be cited as a popular favorite whenever the question “what kinds of anime do you like?” is asked. Slice of Lif...
ReadmoreIs there a place in the world where people believe we are alone on this Earth? From the dawn of time, people have always believed that those unexplai...
ReadmoreNow, I’m pretty confident to say that a good majority of you reading this article right now have played or even watched the Pokémon series. And if you have ...
ReadmoreWhile we are young, we don’t pay too much attention to our teachers, especially if they are boring or annoying. However, once we grow a little, we re...
ReadmoreHigh school comedy has without a doubt become a genre staple of the anime world. One of the most recognizable is Baka to Test to...
ReadmoreINTRODUCTION Samurais, dark revenge plots and epic sword swinging battles, have we caught your attention? If any of those things resonated with you ...
ReadmoreSome may say that a kiss is a powerful thing. It has the ability to take your breath away, to steal hearts, and even blossom int...
ReadmoreRemember that manga you kept seeing at the bookstore under the graphic novel section? The one whose bright orange first volume caught your eye every ...
ReadmoreZetsuen no Tempest is an anime based on the Shakespearean plays of “Hamlet” and “The Tempest.” The story follows Yoshino Takigaw...
ReadmoreSeven Days is certainly one of those shounen-ai manga that no one ever gets tired of, even years down the road. Those who had read it would always fo...
ReadmoreTick-tock, tick-tock. We often hear and feel that the days, months and years pass us by very quickly. Over and over, we set asid...
ReadmoreThe Count of Monte Cristo, the 19th century epic by Alexandre Dumas, might be considered as one of the greatest revenge stories ...
ReadmoreINTRODUCTION In today’s society the world fears a lot of different scenarios coming to fruition. Maybe some organization with criminal intent will t...
ReadmoreGhost in the Shell, if nothing else, is a genre-defining series for what cyberpunk truly is. While other series have to rely on massive batches of filler ep...
ReadmoreA lot of us feel nostalgia when we think about Naruto. A series so long and so full of adventures transforms, its protagonist and his fr...
ReadmoreAdapting any kind of story from one medium to another is always a hard job. It’s not just the story itself that needs to be cut and changed –especially if you are ...
ReadmoreWarning: there is some content not suitable for all ages in this article. If you are a minor, you can read another of our articles instead :) For ...
ReadmoreI only love explosion magic! Article Intro Episodes: 10 Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Supernatural Airing Date: Jan/2016 – Mar/2016 ...
ReadmoreIntroduction “I was born in a small town, and I live in a small town . . . My job is so small town, provides little opportunity...
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