Episodes : 9 (10-13 in Winter 2016) Genre : Action, Military, Supernatural Airing Date : July 12, 2015 to September 27...
ReadmoreMayo Chiki! is a funny and charming examination of adolescent sexuality and all of the fear and confusion that accompanies it. Mayo Chiki’s story focuses on...
ReadmoreHave you ever wondered what anime genre may be the one for you? Well, if you enjoy the genres that are stereotypically female, then you will love shoujo anime! The word "shoujo" is l...
ReadmoreNarratively refreshing as it visually attractive, Kyoto Animation’s famous (or should we say infamous) Free! set new standards for male eye candy and left a...
ReadmoreThe modern day Frankenstein, As a renowned brain surgeon, Kenzo Tenma was presented with a choice - to save the mayor of the town or a nameless child. Succu...
ReadmoreIt’s coming up to 10 years since Shakugan no Shana debuted, but even now it’s rare to find an anime viewer who hasn’t at least given Shana a try. Part of th...
ReadmoreIn any shounen anime, there are multiple aspects that keep you hooked and wanting more. “Bromances” are a thing of the Western world where you can have a guy friend that you’re incredibl...
ReadmoreWhat You Need to Know: Anime sticker sets are quite popular items in LINE, the popular instant messaging app. The latest ones, right from this Fall anime season, are Yuru Yuri and Noragam...
ReadmoreA Classic Deconstructed Magical Girl Anime Episodes : 20 Genre : Adventure, Comedy, Drama,Fantasy, Magic, Mecha, Romance,Shoujo Airing Date : October 1994...
ReadmoreDrama/Mystery Anime for Fall 2015 - With Murder? Crime? Bring on the Suspense [Best Recommendations]
With the advent of Autumn this year comes yet another brand new anime lineup, featuring a number of very interesting titles in the Drama/Mystery genre. Do you feel like solving some case...
ReadmoreOf Female Friendships and Beautiful Countrysides Episodes : 12 Genre : Slice of Life, School, Comedy, Seinen Airing Date : Jul 2015 – Sep 2015 Prod...
ReadmoreIt's Autumn already, guys, and guess what that means? It's time for a new season of anime! Nothing better than when the new season starts rolling out just as you're finishing up with the...
ReadmoreWhy Won’t the Vice-President Punish Me Episodes : 12 Genre : Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, School, Seinen Airing Date : July 2015 – September 2015 Produc...
ReadmoreJapanese animation is usually defined by how well the story is written along with the quality of the animation production. Often these factors will make simply a name recognizable to mil...
ReadmoreWhat makes anime so good? Beyond a great storyline, character design or voice actors, we all know it’s mostly how anime invites us into a new dimension. It’s hard to deny that one of the...
ReadmoreA New World to Rule Over Episodes : 13 Genre : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Game, Supernatural Airing Date : Jul 7 2015 – Sep 29 2015 Producers : Ma...
ReadmoreThe leaves are going from green to palettes of red, yellow and orange. Fall is here and we have a host of new series to get excited over. As a fantasy fan, it’s hard not to be happy with...
ReadmoreEach new season means something different to every person but to an anime fan, it brings a whole new world to them. A chance to experience some excitement or romance they may have othe...
ReadmoreI would hardly think there are similar anime to Amnesia, given its premise, which is rather... unique. Honestly, I prefer th...
ReadmoreIt feels like only a week ago I was talking about some summer shows and how they were going to start airing soon. Suddenly we are already at the end of September and now looking at the a...
ReadmoreSchool-Live! Episodes : 12 Genre : Horror, Mystery, Psychological, School, Slice of Life Airing Date : July 2015 – September 2015 Producers : Sentai ...
ReadmoreEpisodes : 13 Genre : Drama, Supernatural Airing Date : July 4, 2015-September 26, 2015 Producers : P.A. Works ...
ReadmoreIt’s all a matter of study! Episodes : 6 (OVA) Genre : Harem, Ecchi, Comedy, Adventure Airing Date : October 27, 1995 to June 28, 1996 Producers : AD...
ReadmoreBoku wa kage da (I’m the shadow) Episodes : 75 (3 seasons of 25 episodes each) Genre : Sports, Shounen, Comedy, School Airing Date : Apr 8, 2012 – Jun 30,...
ReadmoreCLAMP is very particular in the way that it not only presents its characters sometimes, but also how they dress their characters. Some characters will forever stay in very droll costumes whi...
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